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All you need is the desire to learn.
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Dayton Carpenter
Office: 540-828-5366
Text: 540-404-2058
Hometown: Middlebrook, VA
B.A. in Business Administration (Bridgewater College)
What brought you to Bridgewater College?
As a transfer student from Blue Ridge Community College, my path to Bridgewater College was slightly less traditional. Before I visited campus, my top priority was finding a college that I could afford. After my visit, I realized that BC wasn’t just a college that I could afford, but also a college that I could grow as an individual in a small classroom environment while also participating in a competitive sport (tennis).
What advice do you have about the college search process?
Focus on fit. Write up a comparative list of things you like and dislike about a school, such as size, location, cost, academic programs and athletics. The best way to gather this information is by visiting campus—more than once if possible. Smaller schools can sometimes be overlooked because students think they won’t get the full “college experience.” Though there is nothing wrong with a bigger university, I think that if students visit a smaller college and give it a fair chance they will find that the atmosphere and opportunities could be exactly what they are looking for.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
One of my favorite aspects of this job is trying to help students and families make the best and most informed decision about their college selection. I genuinely enjoy meeting families and spending time to get to know what they’re interested in, so please don’t hesitate to call and talk!
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H4 Donec non turpis tempus
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H5 Morbi a dui commodo massa placerat auctor.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam pulvinar, nibh eu cursus vulputate, eros nibh aliquam ligula, at volutpat dolor nisl non leo. Curabitur eu velit semper, cursus nisl quis, feugiat sapien.
H6 Curabitur quis sem at dui accumsan iaculis.
Vestibulum eu risus odio. Nulla imperdiet sapien eget ante porttitor, nec dapibus ante imperdiet. Donec in ex turpis. Vivamus feugiat vulputate nisl, sit amet ornare augue egestas non. Aenean vel mauris leo. Nam posuere tortor non nibh maximus consequat. Cras eleifend imperdiet ultricies. Maecenas est massa, scelerisque eget elementum id, lobortis in lorem. Quisque non velit at ante vestibulum vulputate nec eu tellus. Vivamus volutpat ex neque. Cras lobortis dolor vitae rhoncus consectetur. Quisque id erat et risus fermentum condimentum. Suspendisse aliquet nibh et elit blandit, sit amet vestibulum lectus lacinia.
Quisque volutpat sem quis egestas cursus. Nullam a urna nulla. Donec ac est tempor, finibus lectus porttitor, bibendum sapien. Nullam facilisis finibus erat, nec efficitur nunc condimentum nec. Sed vestibulum ultrices tortor ac ultricies. Donec sed orci tempor, consectetur tellus sed, dignissim felis. Suspendisse suscipit, dui eget pretium lobortis, sem arcu convallis dui, at interdum eros ipsum quis nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum tortor ac ornare interdum. Nam id dolor suscipit, consequat nisi id, congue ligula.
Maecenas mollis massa et nisl venenatis ullamcorper molestie id diam. Ut ultricies felis arcu, et iaculis ante ullamcorper eu. Quisque viverra eget diam sed consectetur. Nam bibendum luctus urna, sit amet fermentum orci iaculis vel. Nam at odio justo. Nam eu magna placerat, auctor erat tincidunt, tincidunt diam. Sed nec viverra ex, at suscipit purus. Nunc dignissim, est non tempus laoreet, magna mauris imperdiet ex, non blandit lacus neque a magna. Integer congue tortor non magna posuere, sed molestie erat luctus. Suspendisse dignissim odio justo, sit amet semper metus semper at. Proin at ultricies dolor. Nam rhoncus a augue et commodo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in ex arcu.